Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Love Is Brondong (2012) VCDRip 400MB

Info: Film Indonesia Release Date: 15 Maret 2012 Genre: Comedy Cast: Ajun Perwira, Zaky Zimah, Bryan McKenzie, Kiki the Potters, Tya Restyana, Joanna Alexandra, Nabila Intan Quality: VCDRip Encoder: Ganool Subtitle: - Trailer: http://youtu.be/DND9vpOVY8o Sinopsis: Farhan (Zaky Zimah), Momon (Ajun Perwira), Alfin (Bryan Mc Kenzie), dan Juned (Kiki The Potters), hidup bersama di satu kontrakan dan kuliah di kampus yang sama. Satu ketika mereka menolong Sheila (Tya Restyana) yang sedang diganggu preman. Sheila malam itu memohon tinggal sementara di rumah mereka. Sheila cerita, ia ditipu orang yang menjanjikan...

Santet Kuntilanak (2012) DVDRip 350MB

Info: Film Indonesia Release Date: 8 Maret 2012 Genre: Horror Cast: Fero Walandouw, Nadya Almira, Rozie Mahally, Rina Diana, Uli Auliani Quality: DVDRip Encoder: Ganool Subtitle: English (muxed : you can turn em off) Trailer: http://youtu.be/YStBiP6-WIk Sinopsis: Ini adalah kisah dua perempuan kakak-beradik dengan sifat berbeda: Maya dan Lila. Lila wanita lemah lembut dan keyakinan agama yang kuat Sedangkan Maya, kakaknya, percaya akan hal-hal mistis dan memiliki ilmu-ilmu mistik seperti santet, teluh dan sebagainya. Lila diperkosa empat pemuda hingga meninggal dunia. Maka Maya melakukan balas dendam...

Wrath of the Titans (2012) BluRay 1080p 5.1CH 1.60GB x264

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1646987/ Release Date: 30 March 2012 (Indonesia) Genre: Action | Adventure | Fantasy Stars: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson and Rosamund Pike Quality: BluRay 1080p Encoder: GHD@Ganool Source: 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-HDC Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English Sinopsis: A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus-the demigod son of Zeus-is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity’s lack of devotion, the gods...

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Red Tails (2012) CAM 450MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485985/Release Date: 20 January 2012Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama Stars: Cuba Gooding Jr., Gerald McRaney and David OyelowoQuality: CAMEncoder: SayFull@GanoolSource: CAM READNFO XViD AC3-26KRelease Info: NFOSubtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)Sinopsis: A crew of African American pilots in the Tuskegee training program, having faced segregation while kept mostly on the ground during World War II, are called into duty under the guidance of Col. A.J. Bullard.                                                                      ...

Prometheus (2012) CAM 450MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1446714/ Release Date: 6 June 2012 (Indonesia) Genre: Action | Horror | Sci-Fi Stars: Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green and Michael Fassbender Quality: CAM Encoder: Kill-9@Ganool Source: CAM XviD-HOPE Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English Sinopsis: A team of scientists journey through the universe on the spaceship “Prometheus” on a voyage to investigate Alien life forms. The team of scientists becomes stranded on an Alien world, and as they struggle to survive it becomes clear that the horrors they experience are not just a threat to themselves, but to all of mankind. Screenshot Part...

10 Cara Mengatasi Komputer Lambat

Berikut 10 Penyebab komputer lambat dan cara mengatasinya. 1. Komputer lambat karena kekurangan Memory Masalah komputer lambat karena minimnya RAM yang terpasang merupakan hal yang umumnya sudah diketahui oleh semua pengguna komputer. Untuk itu cobalah cek kapasitas memory yang terpasang, untuk komputer sekelas Intel Pentium 4 dengan OS Windows XP dan aplikasi standar sebaiknya upgrade-lah memory menjadi minimal 1 GB. 2. Komputer lambat karena terlalu banyaknya program yang terinstall. Secara pribadi saya sering menemukan komputer terutama milik pribadi yang di-install bermacam-macam program didalamnya, padahal aplikasi tersebut...

5 Cara Mudah Optimalkan Sistem PC

Sebagai pemilik komputer tentu kita menginginkan komputer yang kita gunakan selalu berada dalam kondisi optimal. Tetapi kadang kita tidak peduli terhadap "kesehatan" komputer kita, tiap hari kita gunakan tetapi tidak pernah kita rawat sehingga semakin hari komputer kita semakin lambat, tidak stabil bahkan sering crash. Dalam tulisan ini saya akan berbagi tips sederhana tentang 5 langkah mudah mengoptimalkan sistem komputer agar kinerjanya tetap optimal. 1. Bersihkan Registry Windows Untuk membersihkan registry ini sebenarnya kita bisa melakukannya secara manual dengan cara menghapus key registry yang tidak diperlukan, tetapi tentunya cara ini tidak efisien. Untuk itu cara membersihkan registry windows yang paling mudah adalah dengan menggunakan bantuan software seperti misalnya...

Cek Kesehatan Hardisk Secara Cepat

Kerusakan pada hardisk bisa menyebabkan data-data yang kita miliki hilang atau tidak bisa diakses lagi. Meskipun dalam beberapa kasus kita bisa memperbaiki kerusakan hardisk, alangkah baiknya kita  mengetahui kondisi hardisk saat ini, apakah masih layak digunakan atau sudah saatnya diganti baru. Dalam artikel saya sebelumnya tentang cara memeriksa kondisi hardisk telah disebutkan beberapa software hardisk utility yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mem-benchmark dan melakukan error scan pada hardisk.  Melengkapi artikel tersebut, kali ini kita akan menggunakan beberapa software untuk memeriksa secara cepat kondisi kesehatan hardisk saat...

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Cara Memperbaiki Blu Screen (BSOD)

Si layar biru yang menyebalkan ini atau istilah kerennya “Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)” terjadi karena adanya critical error pada Sistem Operasi Windows yang menyebabkan semua aplikasi yang sedang berjalan terpaksa harus dihentikan. Dalam kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman tentang beberapa tips cara memperbaiki komputer yang mengalami BlueScreen berdasarkan pengalaman yang pernah saya alami, semoga ada manfaatnya.Tips Cara Memperbaiki Blue Screen of Death pada Komputer :1. Periksa Kondisi Komputer Secara UmumSebelum melakukan troubleshooting lebih lanjut, langkah pertama yang harus kita lakukan adalah...

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Arwah Kuntilanak Duyung (2011) DVDRip 400MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2285387/ Release Date: 8 Desember 2011 Genre: Horror Cast: Dewi Persik, Saipul Jamil, Sule Quality: DVDRip Encoder: Ganool Subtitle: English (muxed : you can turn em off) Trailer: http://youtu.be/xxNm3Yo8P8s Sinopsis: Linda dan Ardo bertemu dan saling jatuh cinta di sebuah pantai. Ardo begitu bahagia memiliki Linda, sehingga membangun sebuah villa pantai untuk istri tercinta. Pasangan penuh cinta itu kemudian tinggal di Villa Linda itu, bersama dua pembantu mereka yang sama-sama konyol dan lucu, Olga dan Ayu. Tapi, sebuah kekonyolan tak sengaja melahirkan teror tak terduga....

Rumah Bekas Kuburan (2012) VCDRip 450MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2285595/ Release Date: 2 Februari 2012 Genre: Horror Cast: Julia Perez, Fifie Buntaran, Toddyzilla, Adi Wahyu, Diah Cempaka Sari, Martina Putri Quality: VCDRip Encoder: Ganool Subtitle: - Trailer: http://youtu.be/7YNoylTMP6U Sinopsis: Karina tidak pernah tahu, bahwa Larasati adalah istri sah Danu. Karena himpitan ekonomi, Karina mau saja diajak menikah oleh Danu. Setelah beberapa hari menikah, Larasati datang melabrak Danu dan Karina di sebuah rumah yang baru saja mereka beli. Larasati mengamuk, namun tenaga Danu lebih kuat. Larasati terlempar dan menimpa anaknya. Ibu dan...

Hemingway & Gellhorn (2012) HDRip 600MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0423455/ Release Date: 2012 Genre: Drama | Romance Stars: Nicole Kidman, Clive Owen and Rodrigo Santoro Quality: HDRip Encoder: DeMarco@Ganool Source: HDRip XviD-NoGRP Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A) Sinopsis: A drama centered on the romance between Ernest Hemingway and WWII correspondent Martha Gellhorn, Hemingway’s inspiration for For Whom the Bell Tolls and the only woman who ever asked for a divorce from the writer. Screenshot Part 1 : http://adf.ly/9JWhs Part 2 : http://adf.ly/9JWht Part 3 : http://adf.ly/9JW...

Max Payne 3-RELOADED

Release name: Max.Payne.3-RELOADED Size: 26.9 GB Genre: Third-Person Shooter Publisher: Rockstar Games Developer: Rockstar Games Release Date: 01.06.2012 Language: ENG NFO: Here Release Description: Max Payne 3 is the third installment in Rockstar Games Max Payne series and is set eight years after the events of the last installment. No longer a cop, Max is close to washed-up, drunk and addicted to painkillers. Without a job on the force, Max has left the greater New York area, and finds himself in Sao Paulo, Brazil, working as private security. The story of Max’s descent from vengeful, leather-jacket wearing detective roaming the alleys...

Project X (2012) EXTENDED BluRay 720p 650MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1636826/ Release Date: 2 March 2012 Genre: Comedy Stars: Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper and Jonathan Daniel Brown Quality: BluRay 720p Encoder: DeMarco@Ganool Source: EXTENDED 720p BluRay X264-AMIABLE Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English Sinopsis: Three seemingly anonymous high school seniors attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Their idea is innocent enough – let’s throw a party that no one will forget, and have a camera there, to document history in the making. But nothing could prepare them for this party. Word spreads quickly as dreams are ruined, records are blemished and legends are...

Dark Shadows (2012) TS NEW SOURCE 450MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1077368/ Release Date: 11 May 2012 (Indonesia) Genre: Comedy | Fantasy Stars: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer and Eva Green Quality: TS Encoder: Demitos@Ganool Source: TS READNFO NEW SOURCE XViD – INSPiRAL Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English Sinopsis: In the year 1752, Joshua and Naomi Collins, with young son Barnabas, set sail from Liverpool, England to start a new life in America. But even an ocean was not enough to escape the mysterious curse that has plagued their family. Two decades pass and Barnabas (Johnny Depp) has the world at his feet-or at least the town of Collinsport, Maine. The...

The Dictator (2012) TS NEW SOURCE 300MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1645170/ Release Date: 16 May 2012 Genre: Comedy Stars: Sacha Baron Cohen, Anna Faris and Ben Kingsley Quality: TS Encoder: Demitos@Ganool Source: TS NEW SOURCE READNFO XViD – INSPiRAL Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English Sinopsis: Haffaz Alladeen is the bizarre dictator of the oil-rich African nation of Waadeya. Alladeen is as egotistical and ruthless as dictators come, executing anyone who disagrees with him using his signature “head chop” signal. Alladeen is summoned by the UN to address their concerns about his nuclear program. Screenshot Part 1 : http://adf.ly/9AHll Part 2 : ...

Seattle Superstorm (2012) BluRay 720p 600MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1910615/ Release Date: 2012 Genre: Action | Sci-Fi Stars: Esai Morales, Ona Grauer and Jared Abrahamson Quality: BluRay 720p Encoder: Demitos@Ganool Source: 1080p BluRay x264 ENCOUNTERS Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A) Sinopsis: NASA scientist Tom Reynolds thought everything would be fine when he moved to Seattle to be with his fiancé, Navy Lieutenant Emma Peterson. But when his gearhead son Wyatt can’t stop fighting with her green-minded daughter Chloe, they realize that this new family may not make it. And things aren’t just stormy on the home front; when an unidentified object is...

Chernobyl Diaries (2012) CAM 300MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1991245/ Release Date: 24 May 2012 Genre: Horror Stars: Jesse McCartney, Jonathan Sadowski and Olivia Dudley Quality: CAM Encoder: NaNo@Ganool Source: CAM XviD-26k Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A) Sinopsis: A group of six young vacationers who, looking to go off the beaten path, hire an “extreme” tour guide. Ignoring warnings, he takes them into the city of Pripyat, the former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, but a deserted town since the disaster more than 25 years ago Screenshot Part 1 : http://adf.ly/9Fl2l Part 2 : http://adf.ly/9F...

Piranha 3DD (2012) 720p HDRip 600MB

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1714203/ Release Date: 11 May 2012 Genre: Comedy | Horror | Thriller Stars: Danielle Panabaker, David Hasselhoff and Matt Bush Quality: 720p DRip Encoder: Agoes@Ganool Source: 720p HDRiP AC3-5.1 x264-AXED Release Info: NFO Subtitle: Indonesia, English Sinopsis: Having awoken from their spring break extravaganza at Lake Victoria, the swarm heads upstream where they look to make a meal out of Big Wet, a local water park where when it comes to fun, nobody does it wetter! Though they came to get wet, get loaded and get some, the staff and patrons get more than they bargained for when they must face the fiercest,...

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